
Climate deniers don't deny climate change any more


This is a straw man argument.

It is absurd. The political left deliberately promotes falsehoods and then cry bloody murder when people object to their nonsense. 

 The IPCC has shown its bias by refusing to hire anyone who does not already believe in catastrophic man-made warming. This is not how you do science, by starting with the conclusion. Real science is done by looking at the data and seeing where that takes you.

The IPCC has tried to suppress papers by skeptics and even got a skeptic fired from a university. 

 One person who resigned from the IPCC said that it wasn't so much about protecting the Climate as it was about doing away with free-market capitalism. Other people have resigned from the IPCC in protest claiming that they were too biased. 

 Everywhere I look I see articles claiming that the only solution to Climate Change is socialism. At least for some, this is the real agenda. 

It is questionable to claim that everything is rigidly peer-reviewed when the universities have been taken over by the extreme left. 

 Almost everyone believes that the average atmosphere temperature has increased, by a small amount, and that humans are the cause. There are some minor disagreements over the details, but there is widespread agreement on the basics. However, future predictions of gloom and doom are very debatable and scientifically disprovable. The CO2 level is already at 90% of its potential to block infrared radiation. Climate Alarmism depends upon as-of-yet unproven positive feedback mechanisms. If there were some evidence for this I would be on board, but there is a long list of past predictions that have not come true. 

The solutions involve making energy expensive for everyone and denying energy to developing countries.

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