
Iconic Black Hole Pioneer Disproves The Existence of Singularities

A singularity is a large star that has collapsed down to zero volume.  I have always thought that this would be impossible, and many physicists have also questioned it.  It means that if we calculate the density we would get a divide by zero error, or infinite density.  I think that infinite anything is absurd.

Last year I heard about a new model of physics that as a side note claimed that matter has a maximum density, which means that if true then Black Holes do not have zero volume.  The problem with this is that we might need another force that we don't know about yet to enforce this maximum density.  We also don't have a good way to test this, and we may never really know what happens inside a Black Hole.

I heard one idea which is that as a star collapses to almost zero volume, gravity would trend toward infinite strength because gravity is inverse to distance, which means theat time dilation also would trend toward infinite.  This means that collapse would never finish because time local to the singularity would almost stop.

There was another theory from last year that Black Holes consume matter but emit Dark Energy, which would explain the accelerating expansion of the Universe.  However, the current theory is that Dark Energy is simply a property of empty space.

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