
AMA, JAHA, JAMA, et all go CRT

From: Larry

In Minneapolis, Hennepin Healthcare System removed gynecologist Tara Gustilo, of Filipino descent, from her position as chair of the OB/GYN department after members of her department questioned her "ability to lead." The demotion followed her series of Facebook posts criticizing critical race theory, Black Lives Matter and "How to Be an Antiracist" author Ibram X. Kendi, and her insistence that her department must strictly adhere to race-neutral policies with regard to patient care.

Gustilo has filed a discrimination complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, in which she describes critical race theory as "a race essentialist ideology that presupposes zero sum racial conflict and seeks to remedy that by discriminating against individuals, so as to make group outcomes more equal." 

The AMA's 86-page strategic plan endorses critical race theory, intersectionality and equity as core elements of a medical school education. Consistent with those doctrines, the AMA's equity strategy repudiates equal treatment and meritocracy, denouncing them as "malignant," white supremacist ideologies that serve to obscure "true power and site of responsibility." The AMA condemns the "detrimental effects of colonization, racial capitalism, and enduring forms of supremacism" that contribute to a "persistent cycle of structural violence."

Colleagues and other doctors on Twitter denounced as racist University of Pittsburgh cardiologist and professor Norman Wang, who is ethnically Chinese, after his peer-reviewed paper last year critiqued affirmative action as illegal and discriminatory. The Journal of the American Heart Association, which published the paper, soon retracted it, alleging "deliberate misinformation or misrepresentation." Wang's employer demoted him from his role as director of a fellowship program for physicians, barred him from contact with fellows and residents, and temporarily prohibited Wang from contact with med students. Kathryn Berlacher, director of the cardiology fellowship program, reprimanded him in an email: "It is clear to us that any educational environment in which you partake is inherently unsafe, increasing our learners' risk for undue bias and harm." 

"Rise up, colleagues!"Mayo Clinic cardiologist and diversity director Sharonne Hayes Tweeted in August in response to Wang's article. "The fact that this is published in 'our' journal should both enrage & activate all of us."

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