Moderna Creates Twice as Many Antibodies as Pfizer, Study Shows - Bloomberg
Some good news for those who have taken the 2-shot Moderna vaccine.Moderna Creates Twice as Many Antibodies as Pfizer, Study Shows - Bloomberg
It appeared that people had more reactions to the Moderna vaccine, so I wanted Pfizer.The number of antibodies isn't the whole story. Your body creates memory T-cells that provide long-term immunity.
From: Albert
Now Games Can Look Like Pixar Movies - Unreal Engine 5
CNN: “There is no room to put these bodies,” Alabama health official says as COVID-19 deaths climb
The rate of Covid-19 deaths has increased in 42 US states in the last week, according to new data, as the spread of the more virulent coronavirus Delta variant has upended a spring of reopenings and led to increasing concern headed into autumn.
Read in CNN: https://apple.news/AWTntWpaaQOGf5U7Ub2n_fQ
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N95 masks
If you can smell a fart through your mask, how is it going to stop a microscopic COVID-19 virus? It's not. Your most likely to get covid by touching a covid infected surface and then touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.
US Coronavirus: 'There is no room to put these bodies,' Alabama health official says, as Covid-19 deaths climb - CNN
Antibodies waning? The immune system has a backup plan for that
Afghanistan: British Army surgeon used new parenting skills to comfort baby passed over barbed wire
Scanning electron micrographs of an Intel i486
Report: CDC Downplayed Scientific Finding that Masks are Not Effective in Schools
What immunity did having COVID give me? Do I need a vaccine? - WHYY
An evidence review of face masks against COVID-19 | PNAS
Our review of the literature offers evidence in favor of widespread mask use as source control to reduce community transmission: Nonmedical masks use materials that obstruct particles of the necessary size; people are most infectious in the initial period postinfection, where it is common to have few or no symptoms (45, 46, 141); nonmedical masks have been effective in reducing transmission of respiratory viruses; and places and time periods where mask usage is required or widespread have shown substantially lower community transmission.
The available evidence suggests that near-universal adoption of nonmedical masks when out in public, in combination with complementary public health measures, could successfully reduce ReRe to below 1, thereby reducing community spread if such measures are sustained. Economic analysis suggests that mask wearing mandates could add 1 trillion dollars to the US GDP (32, 34).
Models suggest that public mask wearing is most effective at reducing spread of the virus when compliance is high (39). We recommend that mask use requirements are implemented by governments, or, when governments do not, by organizations that provide public-facing services. Such mandates must be accompanied by measures to ensure access to masks
During past national crises, persons in the US have willingly united and endured temporary sacrifices for the common good. Recovery of the nation from the COVID-19 pandemic requires the combined efforts of families, friends, and neighbors working together in unified public health action. When masks are worn and combined with other recommended mitigation measures, they protect not only the wearer but also the greater community. Recommendations for masks will likely change as more is learned about various mask types and as the pandemic evolves. With the emergence of more transmissible SARS-CoV-2 variants, it is even more important to adopt widespread mask wearing as well as to redouble efforts with use of all other nonpharmaceutical prevention measures until effective levels of vaccination are achieved nationally.
Hospitals pen letter to unvaccinated Tennesseans
Our clinical leaders strongly support the vaccine. They have studied the science behind it, and it is safe and effective. The likelihood of getting seriously ill, becoming hospitalized or even dying as a result of COVID-19 is greatly diminished if you are fully vaccinated.
Peak COVID cases
Magnus Carlsen get mated in 8 seconds and rips his shirt off!
Rate of death
Heart disease | 1 in 6 |
Cancer | 1 in 7 |
All preventable causes of death | 1 in 24 |
Chronic lower respiratory disease | 1 in 27 |
Suicide | 1 in 88 |
Opioid overdose | 1 in 92 |
Fall | 1 in 106 |
Motor-vehicle crash | 1 in 107 |
Gun assault | 1 in 289 |
COVID Pedestrian incident | 1 in 520 1 in 543 |
Motorcyclist | 1 in 899 |
Drowning | 1 in 1,128 |
Fire or smoke | 1 in 1,547 |
Choking on food | 1 in 2,535 |
Bicyclist | 1 in 3,825 |
Sunstroke | 1 in 8,248 |
Accidental gun discharge | 1 in 8,571 |
Electrocution, radiation, extreme temperatures, and pressure | 1 in 13,394 |
Sharp objects | 1 in 29,334 |
Cataclysmic storm | 1 in 58,669 |
Hornet, wasp, and bee stings | 1 in 59,507 |
Hot surfaces and substances | 1 in 63,113 |
Dog attack | 1 in 86,781 |
Lightning COVID Vaccine | 1 in 138,849 1 in 62,400,000 |
Delta variant: Pfizer Covid vaccine 39% effective in Israel, prevents severe illness
That Time a Science Fiction Writer Accidentally Almost Revealed the Manhattan project.
CNN: 'Screw your freedom': Schwarzenegger
Read in CNN: https://apple.news/Awv-lFYwqR7WoEtib0F4y3A
Longer version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcQwPf2n2vA
Danish WHO chief says Wuhan lab employee may be patient zero
The Genesis of the 1918 Spanish Influenza Pandemic
AMA, JAHA, JAMA, et all go CRT
Placebo instead of Vaccine
"I am totally shocked by this episode," Sven Ambrosy, a local councilor, said of the alarming switcheroo, which reportedly occurred in March and April in Friesland in northern Germany.
It's unknown why the shot-blocker — reportedly a Red Cross nurse — had injected people with blanks; however, she had reportedly broadcast anti-vax views on social media, investigators reported.
And while the faux jab was harmless, it may have disproportionately affected elderly people, who are at a greater risk of contracting the virus.
Anti-vax nurse gave 8,600 people saline, not COVID vaccine: police (nypost.com)
MIC: These are the wildest vaccine conspiracy theories, debunked
Read in Mic: https://apple.news/AToXrZlHtSJyt6hT55qaWNg