Robbins earned national fame in the 1960s as being the first actor to voice Charlie Brown...
In 2015, Robbins was arrested for multiple probation violations, including drinking alcohol and failing to complete mandatory domestic violence classes. On June 5, 2015, he was ordered to undergo a mental health exam after an outburst during a court proceeding in San Diego.[14]
On December 7, 2015, Robbins was sentenced to four years and eight months in prison as part of a plea agreement for sending threatening letters to a manager and his wife of the mobile home park in which he lived in Oceanside, California. Robbins has stated at previous hearings that he suffers from bipolar disorder and paranoid schizophrenia.[15] Robbins was incarcerated at the California Institution for Men in Chino, California and was transferred to a psychiatric hospital because of his mental state. He was released in 2019 "[a]fter serving 80 percent" of his sentence, under orders not to drink alcohol or take any illegal drugs.[3]
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