
Jordan Peterson: The radical Left is guilt-tripping the West into oblivion


Dr. Peterson makes his best points in the first 17 minutes, however the rest of the video is also interesting.

One thing I like about Peterson is that he speaks at such an intellectual level that you have to pay attention to keep up.  However, this sometimes feels like a trick, where if he drops enough buzzwords then it makes him seem like an intellectual.

I differ form Peterson in that he treats mythology as existential truth.  If he was only talking about metaphors he might be correct, but he tends to take it a higher level as if the mythology were true.  It has never been clear where Peterson stands on religion, because he plays both sides.  He will talk about religion as metaphor, but also treat it like it is true.  In this regard, he doesn't limit himself to just one religion or mythology, but he talks about many.

Before his serious illness, he held suffering on a pedestal, which he thought was inevitable anyway.  This made him seem a little nutty.  He backs off this a little, but his point has always been that you have to have a moral compass and relationships to get though the hard times.

Peterson argues that truth will win out over falsehoods.  I think that this is by no means a given.  It might not be true at all.  It appears that false doctrines are winning, and historically this seems to be the norm.

Peterson argues for standing for truth even against extreme oppression.  However, I don't think that humans should make themselves into sacrificial animals against a system they can't defeat.  It is better to survive and wait for a better opportunity.  History shows that oppressive regimes eventually crumble, often from internal corruption.

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