
Watch "The mathematics of weight loss | Ruben Meerman | TEDxQUT on YouTube

I was confusing this video with a similarly titled video that I saw years ago that claimed that the mathematics of weight loss was just calories out versus calories in.  Although technically true, weight loss is more complicated, with certain foods like sugar being worse than others.  Sugar actually stimulates appetite.   In addition, our gut flora send signals to our brain to stimulate our appetite for specific foods.  Those bacteria get hungry, and different bacteria prefer different types of nutrients.   Eating healthy foods adjusts your gut bacteria to that diet.

This is where probiotics might be helpful.

In addition, I just read about "obesogens", which at first sounded like a joke to me, which are chemicals in the environment that promote obesity.  https://www.ehn.org/chemicals-in-everyday-products-are-spurring-obesity-warns-a-new-review-2657191067.html

In terms of the chemistry of metabolism, this video is scientifically interesting.  However, it isn't really news that we lose mass as we breathe out carbon dioxide.

On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 5:07 AM Albert > wrote:
Hands down the best scientific explanation of weight loss. The bottomline: eat less and move more.

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