Fwd: Egyptian protest's organizer
From: larry.r.trout
'Said, a young businessman from Alexandria, was reportedly beaten to death by local police this summer – well before rumblings of the country's current unrest. But a Facebook page that bears his name has been one of the driving forces behind the upheaval that started last week.…
The anonymous Facebook page administrator who goes by the handle El Shaheed, meaning martyr, has played a crucial role in organizing the demonstrations,
El Shaheed's Facebook page, simply named "We Are All Khaled Said," began as a campaign against torture and police brutality. But this month, shortly after the Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali was brought down following weeks of grassroots protests inspired by Bouazizi's self-immolation, a post appeared on the Facebook page, announcing a day of protest in Egypt – Tuesday, Jan. 25…'
'With the next protest scheduled for that Friday, activists including El Shaheed were busy coordinating their response to what they believed would be a brutal government crackdown. A Google document with a list of demands as well as instructions for the demonstrations was, at one point, viewed at the same time by more than 200 people, altered in real-time by dozens of editors.'
It would be interesting to see the list of demands…