
Neanderthals Were Absolute Freaks Of Nature


Neanderthals had a broad nose, sloping forehead, and bony eye bridges.  I've seen humans with mild similar features as humans are quite diverse.  People of European ancestry often have a small percentage of Neanderthal DNA.

Around 50,000 years ago, Homosapiens had mostly died off due to a drought in Africa caused by an ice age in Europe.  Around 7,000 individuals lived on the southern coast of Africa and had adapted to this life.  They fished for first the first time, built the first permanent structures, and invented new tools.  As the drought went away, these humans expanded their territory at a rate of about a mile per year.  Within 2,000 years they were reaching other continents.

A skull was found in the vicinity of Isreal that was 50% Homosapien and 50% Neanderthal.  It is believed that as Homosapiens moved into Europe they sometimes bred with Neanderthals.



Jesse Watters: Criticizing your government is not misinformation

MILTON UPDATE: Tornado outbreak in Florida as hurricane approaches

Ta-Nehisi Coates

2024 Wisconsin: Trump vs. Harris | The Tide has turned? Maybe


Conservative media has been predicting this for a while now.

It goes without saying that the polls might not be accurate.

My early voting experience yesterday was interesting.  It was all older people, probably because they don't have to work, and about 90% men.   I think that this supports my theory that Trump voters are more motivated.  They feel betrayed by the system for multiple reasons, so they are motivated to try to turn things around.

People in Indiana know that Trump is going to win the state no matter what.  Yet, people felt compelled to turn out in large numbers on the first day of early voting.  They want their voices heard even if it isn't going to matter.


The Harris-Walz Approach

Endocrine Disruptors - Common Chemicals That Severely Alter Your Hormones - Dr. Shanna Swan

It is important to be skeptical of claims.  This person could be correct, but her claims are not without controversy.  She doesn't offer evidence.  I'm not saying she has to in a YouTube video, but she needs to point us toward the evidence.

My concern is that you can have a causal link between two things but that is not proof of causality.  I'm concerned about "single-factor analysis" where only one factor is considered.  

I would like to see more research.  

Plastic is getting a bad reputation, and some of it seems justified.  We are exposed to chemicals from plastic.

"Fears over falling human sperm count may be overblown — Harvard Gazette

Richardson and her colleagues found that earlier research claimed causal links between declining sperm counts and declining fertility, as well as between exposures to certain environmental chemicals and lower sperm counts. The GenderSci Lab researchers found that neither of these assumptions are supported by scientific or geographic evidence."

Victor Davis Hanson: Trump will beat radical Kamala Harris

Sam Witwer Explains Why Luke Skywalker is The GOAT


Why did farmers DESTROY trees to PLANT trees?

15 Years Later, I Finally Understand Inglorious Basterds

According to the video, Inglorious Bastards symbolizes American national identity, and the decline of film as a form of storytelling.

How NOT to Land a Parachute


In the past, I wanted to try skydiving, but not anymore.  I'm getting older and it is too risky.

I have heard that in parachute training they make you fall from increasing heights until you can fall and land from a height of 16 feet.  That's a pretty big drop.  According to the laws of physics, you would be traveling at 32 feet per second.

Will Save Your Life Next Week

This is very interesting.

Having good tires makes a big difference.

War kills a large number of people worldwide.

Republicans are registering more new voters than Dems in Pennsylvania

Zoom out: Republicans have registered more new voters across the Keystone State so far this year (94,603), compared to Democrats' 87,325 as of last week, per the state.

  • But Dems still hold a commanding lead for total registered voters statewide with 3.9 million compared to Republicans' 3.5 million as of last week.

What we're watching: Voters not affiliated with either major party could prove decisive in this year's election.

  • Those voters now top 1.3 million across the state after adding more than 76,000 since Jan. 1.


If the polls are to be believed, then Pennsylvania will decide the election.  It is mostly clear how the other states are going to vote. 

However, a number of sources are claiming that the polls are not accurate.  

My contention is that the right is more motivated this time around.  The left is also motivated, but I don't think that Kamala has the same level of loyalty that Trump does. 

History of Peru and Guano

The Tallest and Shortest American Presidents


Kamala Harris is 5' 4".

I have observed that leaders are more likely to be tall.  Many ancient kings were tall but also needed to be strong enough to fight in wars.

Reportedly, the average ancient Roman was about 5' 6", and both Julius and Augustus Caesar were about 5' 7" to 5' 8".  Often the wealthy were taller due to better nutrition.

Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things


Bobby Kennedy Jr. and Food Safety

Trump brought RFK Jr. on board to help win the election, but I see Robert Kennedy Jr as a bit of a red hearing.  He claimed that he and Trump would improve the American diet and make America healthy in just four years.   He talked about banning seed oils and High Fructose Corn Syrup, the latter of which is chemically identical to sugar. 

If you don't want government coercion for your own good, I would not support Robert Kennedy.  He also tends to promote conspiracy theories:  https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2023/10/10/rfk-jr-launches-independent-2024-run-here-are-all-the-conspiracies-he-promotes-from-vaccines-to-mass-shootings/

Trump had to promise RFK Jr. something to get him on board.  We don't know what that is, but maybe Kennedy will be the head of the FDA.  I think that is what he wants.

As far as 1000 substances banned in Europe in American foods, I want to see research done. The trouble with the European Union standards is that they are a bit like California which takes regulations too far.  (For example, the California standard on heavy metal contamination is 500 times stricter than what the Federal Government regards as safe.  This became an issue about Dark Chocolate when Consumer Reports claimed that many brands were unsafe because they didn't meet California regulations.  I eat dark chocolate every day for its reported health benefits.  I'm not worried.)

Trump did say something about doing research.   That would be good.  I don't want bad substances in my food either, but I also don't want unnecessary government coercion.

Has America Completely Lost Its Mind? - Ben Shapiro

This is interesting.

Ben Shapiro talks about conspiracy theories and then adds some comments slightly critical of COVID-19 vaccines.


2024 RCP Electoral College Map | RealClearPolling


Trump is showing stronger results in Arizona.  He still trails in Nevada, Wisconsin, and Michigan. He has a microscopic edge in both Pennsylvania and North Carolina, and he needs both to win.  Either state could be a toss-up and if he loses one of them then he would need to flip another Rust Belt state like Wisconsin to win.

I've been assuming that Trump would win Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina while losing Nevada, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan.  If true, then Pennsylvania will decide the election.  

With only 6 electoral college votes, Nevada won't actually matter under the current scenario.  It is mathematically insignificant.

Although it would hurt the Republicans at least in the short term, I want to disband the Electoral College and go to a popular vote for President.  The problem is that your vote really doesn't count if your state always votes one way.  The other problem is that just a few battleground states decide the election.

2024 Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Harris | RealClearPolling


Wow.  This is a major change for Pennsylvania.  Some YouTubers have been predicting this for a while, and many claim that the pro-Harris poll results are exaggerated.  I should point out that the Bloomberg poll has always appeared to be an outlier.  It is not consistent with other polls and was reportedly wrong in previous years.

BTW, Ben Shapiro predicts that in October the press will suppress any negative news regarding Harris.


I found this interesting.