The rate of global warming
Mueller’s Collusion Hoax Collapses
The theory further holds that these supposedly criminal violations of election financing laws could cause a two-thirds majority of the Republican-controlled U.S. Senate to remove the president from office, or at the least, that a prosecutor who patiently waited until the president left office could then send him to prison for this conduct.
I was even astounded at the reaction of the Trump-haters who had been citing the Steele dossier as incontrovertible evidence of his "treason" (Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, and many others), when they had to deal with the fact that it was a smear-job commissioned and paid for and shopped to the media by the Clinton campaign. Without breaking their strides, they called this inconvenient fact "a talking point" (Washington Post), and altered the dossier's status to "campaign information," (Hillary Clinton).
This latest display of sangfroid is even more remarkable and ethically disturbing. All of them knew that the Russian collusion claim was defamatory fiction, and no one with an IQ in double figures or higher could believe that the election finance crime theory generated by putting the screws to a low-life like Cohen could seriously inconvenience the president.
iPhone 6s+ processor speed
AT&T "You Will" Commercials (high quality)
Re: Forced back to catch and release
The future
The paradox of choice | Barry Schwartz
Fwd: Award winning teacher Kerstin Westcott's resignation speech in Green Bay...
Fwd: France violent protests across country
Students, employees and pensioners have all been protesting against what they believe is the "destruction of the social model".
Images have emerged of French armed police officers tackling protesters, severely injured people and police even using tear gas to control the demonstrators.
Unions including The General Confederation of Labour and Workers' Force unions are holding protests in Paris against "ideological policies" and reforms.
One protester held a banner which read "Macron, assassin of the social system".
Origin of birds
I keep hearing that dinosaurs are not extinct, but still exist in the form of birds.
I do not think that birds are dinosaurs in the way that the vast majority of people would think of dinosaurs, which is as very large reptiles, with maybe a few smaller versions. Instead, they are evolved from dinosaurs.
However, theropods are one type of dinosaur that is now thought to have more resemble birds in both their morphology and behavior, with many of them having feathers, including the mighty T-Rex. Birds are also theropods.
Some people are trying to activate dormant genes in chickens to see if they if they can produce some dinosaur characteristics. For example, with a little fiddling they produced a chicken with teeth.
Still Not Convinced You Need a Flu Shot? First, It’s Not All About You - The New York Times
In 2014, more than 57,000 people died of influenza/pneumonia. It was the eighth-most common cause of death, behind diabetes (just under 80,000 deaths). It's also the only cause of death in the top 10 that could be significantly reduced by a vaccine. Lowering risks of heart disease, cancer or Alzheimer's are much, much harder to do.
In 1995, the worst year of the AIDS epidemic in the United States, fewer than 51,000 people died of it. In 2014, just over 6,700 deaths were attributable directly to H.I.V. Yet it is H.I.V., not the flu, that people dread far more.
Because the flu is so common, we tend to minimize its importance. Consider the contrast with how the United States responded to Ebola a few years ago. We had a handful of infections, almost none of them contracted here. One person died. Yet some states considered travel bans, and others started quarantining people.
Worldwide, just over 10,000 people died in the 2014-15 West African outbreak of Ebola: a relatively new, frighteningly contagious illness that people feared could become a global pandemic. It's not surprising that it got a lot of attention. Yet the tens of thousands who died of influenza in the United States the same year barely made the news.
Boston-area gas explosions kill at least 1, injure 20, trigger evacuations, officials say | Fox News
iPhone prices
Association of dairy intake with cardiovascular disease and mortality in 21 countries from five continents (PURE): a prospective cohort study - The Lancet
Why You Shouldn't Mix Bleach and Vinegar and Why People Do It Anyway
Battery advancement
On the Vital Necessity of Free Speech
Why our IQ levels are higher than our grandparents' | James Flynn
The Bangladesh Student Protests
My concern is that student protests everywhere have become more violent. I get a sense that people are descending into chaos. There is pent up rage, much of which is out of proportion to reality.
With some 2.6 million forced laborers, North Korea is world's leading villain in modern day slavery, according to estimates in a new report.
One in 10 people live under modern slavery in the secretive nation, with the "vast majority being forced to work by the state,"
Fwd: ISIS inspired Berkeley graduate plotted to kill 10,000 in San Francisco
Fwd: Liver disease deaths spike among young Americans
Eat this, don’t eat that — wait, never mind
Voyager: The Farthest in Space.
I went to China Just to try this.
Why does time pass?
The Sound of Silence
In China, 'Free Trade' Means Steal What You Want
Not a minute too soon. The stealing is getting worse. Politicians naively said admitting China to the World Trade Organization in 2001 would push it toward a free market economy observing the rule of law. Magical thinking.
From the start, China violated WTO rules, knocking off American products and selling them as the real deal. A staggering 88 percent of counterfeit goods seized are from China and Hong Kong, according to Homeland Security. It's like the Chinese thought "free market" meant steal what you want.
Steal it or extort it. American companies doing business in China are pressured to transfer proprietary technology to a local partner. China promised to stop that arm-twisting but broke its word.
Now China is abandoning any pretense of respecting intellectual property. President Xi Jinping's official economic policy, called Made in China 2025, elevates technology theft to official status. The government politely calls it "the assimilation and absorption of imported technology." China plans to steal its way to economic dominance and end dependence on foreign suppliers.
American companies can't thrive under this threat. Our advantage in world markets isn't cheap labor or cheap materials. It's ideas
American Superconductor Corporation was almost put out of business, its stock value driven down 96 percent, when a Chinese wind turbine maker stole its technology and flooded the Chinese market with copies.
But if Beijing's plan proceeds, these U.S. companies will be shut out of China in a decade, and will have to compete in the rest of the world against Chinese companies that stole their technology and enjoy low-cost financing from Chinese state banks
Liberal says build the wall...
And there is clearly an adamant, persistent segment of the public that sees the crisis of illegal immigration as a vital one. They're not alone. Cast an eye at Brexit Britain, newly populist Italy, Macron's France, and even Merkel's Germany as it heaves in response to mass immigration from the developing world. This is a huge force in Western politics in every country. It may be the primary one. Millions of people are on the move right now, fleeing war and poverty and persecution. The vast migration from south to north, from poverty and chaos to opportunity and order in the West may be just beginning. Climate change will surely only make it worse. Finding the right balance between reason and compassion is essential if we are not going to further tear this country apart, or witness ever more humanitarian catastrophes, or see what's left of the West go under
So give him his fucking wall. He won the election. He is owed this. It may never be completed; it may not work, as hoped. But it is now the only way to reassure a critical mass of Americans that mass immigration is under control, and the only way to make any progress under this president. And until the white working and middle classes are reassured, we will get nowhere. Don't give it to him for nothing, of course
If all this sounds like appeasing a bigot, I understand. But better to see it, I think, as a way to address the legitimate concerns, fears, and worries of a large number of Americans who feel like strangers in their own land.
And equally, the Democrats who are currently posturing are playing a good card badly. They give off the appearance, as Hillary Clinton did, of making no distinction between legal and illegal immigration, favoring de facto open borders, and calling anyone who disagrees with them a white supremacist. Until they recognize that illegal immigration is a huge and legitimate problem, and until they propose a set of actual policy proposals to end it humanely and efficiently, they run the risk of another 2016 in 2020.
And this is what Miller and Bannon want. They want to turn the fall elections and the next presidential contest into a polarizing, fearmongering referendum on illegal immigration
Fwd: Isis zealot killed 8 on nyc bike path
Sayfullo Saipov, 30, raised his hand to speak out immediately after U.S. District Judge Vernon S. Broderick set an Oct. 7, 2019, date for the Uzbek immigrant's trial.
He said he cared about "Allah" and the holy war being waged by the Islamic State group
"So the Islamic State is not fighting for land, like some say, or like some say, for oil. They have one purpose, and they're fighting to impose Sharia (Islamic law) on Earth," he
Fwd: Political hatred
Sanders confirmed the events on Twitter, saying she was told to leave by the owner because she worked for the president.
"Her actions say far more about her than about me," she said. "I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so."
Fwd: Active Antarctic Volcano
But as the team conducted its research, it found high quantities of an isotope of helium, which comes almost exclusively from mantle, Loose said.
"When you find helium-3, it's like a fingerprint for volcanism. We found that it is relatively abundant in the seawater at the Pine Island shelf.
"The volcanic heat sources were found beneath the fastest moving and the fastest melting glacier in Antarctica, the Pine Island Glacier," Loose said. "It is losing mass the fastest."
He said the amount of ice sliding into the ocean is measured in gigatons. A gigaton equals 1 billion metric tons.
Fwd: Restarsumt owner effects sarah sanders and extended family
No border enforcement
Fwd: Brutal bronx stabbing
The New York Post, citing police sources, identified one of the suspects as Kevin J. Alvarez, 19. He was charged with second-degree murder, manslaughter, gang assault and assault, the paper reported.
The attack stemmed from a case of "mistaken identity," the paper reported.
The New York Times reported that social media users believed that the victim may have been mistaken for another teen seen in a sex video with one of the suspect's relatives.
Members of the Trinitarios street gangs reportedly apologized to Guzman-Feliz's family and said, "It wasn't supposed to be him."
NYPD Chief Terence Monahan described Guzman-Feliz's murder as "among the most brutal crimes I've seen in my 36yr career."
Fwd: Civil war upon us
Just ask all the families of police officers in America who have been executed over the past four or five years by militants inspired by the so-called "Black Lives Matter" movement.
This would be the same movement that Democratic leaders are terrified of standing up to. When their last standard bearer — Hillary Clinton — made the grave error of declaring that "all lives matter," she later issued an apology and a correction.
Yes, this civil war is upon us.
Or ask all the American families who have suffered murder, dismemberment and terror at the hands of MS-13 gang members who streamed across the broken border. A border that the Democratic Party — back when it was still a serious outfit — agreed should exist.
A little more than a decade ago, Democratic leaders such as Mrs. Clinton, her husband, and former President Barack Obama all supported, argued for and voted for a physical barrier along the border to keep illegal aliens — especially violent gang members — from sneaking into the country.
This, along with the increasingly heated rhetoric comparing ICE and Border Patrol agents to Nazis (yes, these kids are totally illiterate and never learned one minute of history), suggests this civil war is going to only get worse.
Or just listen to the loudmouth leaders of the Democratic Party today, actually arguing that the president of the United States somehow does not have the authority — let alone constitutional responsibility by oath — to make sure America's enemies do not infiltrate our country so that they can wage some barbaric jihad against American citizens.
Yes, this civil war is upon us.
Ask House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, who is still recovering from an assassination attempt by a disaffected Bernie Sanders supporter who plotted to kill dozens of members of Congress for being Republican.
Yes, this civil war is upon us.
And when you look around at Democratic leaders applauding and encouraging the open harassment of political opponents out in public, you know things are only going to get worse.