WOW: Kamala Goes On Awkward Narcissistic Rant

For some reason, the video loops after 27 seconds.  It gives the false impression that Kamala is repeating herself.  I would prefer that the video stopped after 27 seconds.

The comments on YouTube are interesting.

The dirty little secret of the election is that Kamala Harris is not likable, nor particularly competent, nor compelling as a leader.  However, the extreme left would vote for a dish rag if doing so advances their agenda.

So I believe that more people will vote for Trump.  The polls today aren't necessarily indicative of how the election will go.

2024 Election Map Based On Polling Averages From ALL 50 STATES!

14 minutes ago

The current polls in Pennsylvania don't show Trump ahead, although he could still win the state.  So I see Trump at 262.  I have been saying Pennsylvania will decide the election because the other states are clear.  However, Trump has a small chance of flipping Wisconsin, so either state could win the election for him.

PA...Close...but still more registered democrats

The Pennsylvania Department of State reports that Democrats now hold their slimmest voter registration advantage in decades. Republicans, meanwhile, have added nearly 40,000 voters since 2020. In Washington County, this wild shift has greatly increased the temperature and radicalized the tone of local politics. Allegheny County isn't there yet, but the currents are detectable.

The numbers paint a grim picture. Allegheny County hemorrhaged nearly 7,800 residents last year alone, placing it in the top 10 for population loss nationwide. Even more alarming, the county has shed 50,000 jobs in the past five years – five times more than any other Pennsylvania county. The county's most impoverished suburbs, home to many recent immigrants and other non-white minorities, are facing another round of white flight. On top of that, the future looks even bleaker for those officials tasked with educating future generations of gainfully-employed citizens: Pittsburgh Public Schools are mulling the closure of 16 schools, a move that would disproportionately impact working-class neighborhoods.

To understand where Allegheny County might be headed, one need only look south to Washington County. Once a union-labor stronghold for the Democrats, Washington County has rapidly become a petri dish for MAGA politics. In 2020, Trump won 61% of the vote there. But it's not just about presidential politics. MAGA true believers have capitalized on low turnouts to seize control of local government, turning once-staid county commission meetings into wild shouting matches.

The rapid transformation of Washington County offers a playbook for how the GOP might chip away at Democratic dominance in Allegheny County. It hinged on voter apathy – depressing moderate-voter turnout, particularly those who saw Washington County's Democratic machine as irreparably gridlocked and hopelessly corrupt, while galvanizing the MAGA base in both the primary and general elections.


Disney Plus: You paying more for less is their brilliant business strategy

Good video!

A Google search shows that Disney+ is offering three months for $1.99 per month.  This is the version with ads.

Last year on Black Friday I got a combination of Disney+ and Hulu for a year for $3 per month.  

There was a similar offer on HBO Max, now just called Max.  It is my favorite streaming service.

Years ago, I got the Disney+ pre-start discount where I was paying around $4 per month by paying for three years in advance. The problem is that I didn't see a ton of new content that I wanted to watch. I had already seen most of the stuff worth watching.

2024 Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Harris | RealClearPolling

I have been saying that Pennsylvania will decide the election.  Most of the other states are solid enough that it is going to come down to Pennsylvania, which is super close.  

The vast majority have already made up their minds, so a small percentage in one state could decide the national election.  The result may depend upon turnout.

The Bloomberg poll appears to be an outlier from the other polls.  It appears to exaggerate the Democrat advantage and was way off in the last two elections.  If I were to cut the Bloomberg margin for Harris in half, I get an average poll result of 0.1% for Trump.  Otherwise, Harris is ahead by 0.1%.  The bottom line is that the state is too close to call.  (Rumor has it that the Harris campaign is worried about Pennsylvania, but the Trump campaign should be worried too.)

Early voting in Pennsylvania was supposed to start tomorrow but has been delayed by court challenges by 3rd party candidates.

Why Japanese People Are Not Obese Like People In The US?

I assume that it is not just "healthy" food but the quantity of food that people like to eat.  Americans love to overeat.  I think that eating out is the cause of obesity because it is not only junk food but the large portion sizes.

I wonder if buffets are an American-only phenomenon?

Watch "Lithium is dangerous"

On Sun, Sep 15, 2024 at 12:10 AM Albert wrote:
When these batteries die, get rid of them immediately, Here's why.

I knew pure sodium is super reactive with just about everything, especially water, and can explode.  I didn't know that about Lithium.  They both produce hydrogen gas when they react with water.  Lithium, Sodium, and Potassium are all on the first column of the period table, meaning they have similar chemical properties.

Sodium Chloride and Potassium Chloride are very safe.  I buy "Lite Salt" which has 50% of each.

Most batteries you would buy in the store are alkaline, containing potassium hydroxide, which is not so reactive but corrosive.

Rechargeable batteries use Lithium-ion.  

Lithium carbonate in small quantities can be used as an anti-depressant.


Lately, I have been seeing people who are Hitler Apologists, claiming that Hitler didn't want war with Britain and that Winston Churchill was a warmonger who started World War II by declaring war on Germany.   A YouTuber, "Zoomer Historian" has made many videos with this distorted view of history.

Had Hitler only invaded Austria, which Germany might have had a historic claim to, he might have been just a footnote in history.  But then he invaded Czechoslovakia claiming that he only wanted a part of the country, the Sudetenland, which was ethnically German.  Hitler made an agreement with Chamberlain, the British Prime Minister, that he would renounce any claim to the rest of Czechoslovakia.  However, Hitler violated the agreement and took the rest of Czechoslovakia.  Had Hitler stopped there, he once again might have been just a footnote in history.  However, he invaded Poland, claiming that he only wanted one city that was ethnically German.  He took the whole country anyway.  Britain and France had made promises to Poland to help protect the country.  They warned Hitler that if he invaded Poland they would declare war, but Hitler didn't believe them.  After the invasion they declared war and World War II started.

Why Is the New York Times Legitimizing a Holocaust Denier?

The Nazis were not simply ill-provisioned bumblers who somehow failed to keep their prisoners alive. The thirty-three thousand bullet-riddled corpses at Babyn Yar did not die of exposure. Denying the Nazis' overtly murderous intentions is just one more way of denying the Holocaust, pure and simple.

The Asterisk on Kamala Harris’s Poll Numbers - The Atlantic

How did the polls get worse from 2016 to 2020, with everyone watching? In the aftermath of Trump's surprise 2016 victory, the public-opinion-research industry concluded that the problem was educational polarization. If pollsters had made a point of including enough white people without college degrees in their samples, they wouldn't have underestimated Trump so badly. During the 2020 cycle, they focused on correcting that mistake.

It didn't work. Even though polls in 2020 included more white non-college-educated voters, they turned out to be disproportionately the white non-college-educated voters who preferred Biden. The new consensus is that Republican voters are less likely to respond to polls in the first place.

Public Polling Has It All Wrong (Again) - by Mark Harris | ColdSpark

With Kamala Harris as the nominee, politically engaged, wealthy, educated, white voters are taking up too many spots in the Democratic quotas, pushing out downscale, lower-turnout Democrats who are much more likely to be undecided or Trump voters. Whereas a college-educated Democrat might be 95% for Harris, a non-college one might be 88%. That seven-point gap matters and is not reflected in public polling. 

Don't take just my word for it. POLITICO reported that even Democratic pollsters are admitting their internal (read expensive) surveys are much less optimistic than public polling, and they are also worried about this blue mirage.


Does the Erucic Acid Level Make Canola Oil Unsafe?

I have looked at many articles. The vast majority say that Canola Oil is safe in moderation.

Most of the oils in Canola Oil are healthy, but Canola Oil also contains Erucic Acid.   Erucic Acid is toxic (to heart health) so it seems to me that it would be better not to consume any.  However, the exact amount of Erucic Acid in Canola Oil is unclear.  Almost all sources claim that the Euric Acid level is 2% or less by law, although the article below says that it is barely detectable, only around 0.01% in Canadian-made Canola Oil.
Although the government classifies Canola Oil as safe, the recommended safe level of Erucic Acid is about 7 mg per kilogram of body weight.  For me, that would be about 3/4 of a gram.

"For reference, 1 tablespoon of canola oil can contain a maximum of 280 mg of erucic acid. This means a person who weighs 80 kg can have around 2 tbsp of canola oil per day. "

The problem is that we don't know if it actually has that much Erucic Acid.  

The same article mentions that Canola Oil has a tiny amount of trans fat.

Two tablespoons isn't that much.  I used to cook popcorn with 2 ounces of Canola Oil.  That is about 4 tablespoons, so I could have exceeded the recommended level of Erucic Acid.

According to this page, the Erucic Acid level in Canola Oil is not 2% but 0.2%.  So that should make Canola Oil safe in moderation.

For several months, I have been using Extra Virgin Olive Oil instead.  It is at least five times more expensive than Canola Oil, but I only use it 2 or 3 times per week.  The cost is not a big issue.

Olive Oil is a key component of the Mediterranean Diet.  Many sources claim that Olive Oil does not have any trans fat.

According to at least a couple of sources, you can use Olive Oil for frying if you don't get it too hot.

The smoke point of Canola Oil is 399 degrees Fahrenheit.  Because of this, it is considered heat resistant and good for frying.  The smoke point of Olive Oil varies from 350 to 430 degrees.

If I am being honest, other things in my diet are riskier than Canola Oil.  I need to work on those as well.


Baking the Original Brownie - The History of Brownies

7 hours ago
I heard that during medieval times, around holidays like Christmas, parents would make sweet treats they would leave out for their children.  When the children would ask where the treats came from, the parents would respond, "Brownies", which were elves.

12 replies

6 hours ago
I'm gonna do this if I have kids.

6 hours ago
Not a Brownie fan...Too much chocolate. But, thanks for the coherent recipe. I'm not adverse to baking brownies for others.

5 hours ago (edited)
Interesting... is this the source of Madison Ave's idea for the Keebler Elves?

Timeline of Gaza | 3500 BCE to October 7th, 2023

His conclusions are in my opinion a bit biased.  The Palestinians have had multiple good offers for peace since 1948 and have refused all of them.