Why Humans Are Vanishing

0 seconds ago
The falling birth rate is an economic issue.  If the population drops, the incentives will change, either naturally or by fiat.


l listened to this on the radio.  I like his analysis.


Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump 2024 Election Map Projection

0 seconds ago
I don't believe that Harris would lose the entire Rust Belt.

If HYPOTHETICALLY, the entire Rust Belt, VA, and NH went to Harris, we would have a 269-269 tie.  

Not likely to happen.


New Rule: MAGA's Magical Thinking | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

I'm sure this will offend somebody, but I present it as humor.  The part at 8:01 made me laugh out loud.

What World are We Living in?

0 seconds ago
I think that it is likely that the assassin was a leftist.  If not, he was at least someone who hated Donald Trump.

Trump Triumphs, Biden Leaves THIS WEEKEND?!

The first 25 minutes of Trump's RNC speech was very moving and I recommend watching it.

The problem is that Trump spoke for over another hour and the speech was too long and a bit boring.   He missed an opportunity to give a great speech.


The DARK Truth about BEARS


The problem with bears is that everything looks like food to them.

I suspect that they struggle to find enough to eat.  

There was a bear spotted crossing from Kentucky to Indiana.  It swam across the Ohio River.  It may have been in or near the Hoosier National Forest.  It was thought to be near Salem, Indiana, where I was born.  It was later spotted in the Big Oaks National Wildlife Refuge, which is some distance northeast and next to a farm that my stepdad used to share ownership of.  I've been to this farm and to the edge of the refuge which is sealed off from the public.

Bears are rare in Indiana, but this one traveled maybe a hundred miles across many roads and a couple of Interstates.  Why would it do this unless it needed to find food?  It may have been to these places before and knew where to forage for food.

What Do Japanese Think of the Trump Assassination? (Street Interview)

I find it interesting that people from Japan have this much interest in American politics.  Had this been filmed in the United States, the responses would have been the same.

Location of Trump Rally and Attempted Assassination on Google Maps


Location on Google Maps of Trump Rally and Attempted Assassination

This takes place in a farm show area near the southwest edge of Butler Pennsylvania.  Trump was standing in front of three buildings center map, and the shots came from a building directly north.

This Delicious Food Regenerates Stem Cells For Longevity


I eat 90% dark chocolate because it only has 1 gram of sugar per piece.  I eat 3 to 4 pieces daily, usually for breakfast because dark chocolate contains stimulants. 

I have tried 100% which is bitter but I flavored it with sucralose which works.

Shipping Containers: The Box that Changed the World

It was inevitable that someone would invent something like this.

We don't even make adults until they hit 40


Ben Franklin, technically a polymath, is my favorite historical figure, partly because he was an avid chess player, but I read his autobiography when I was in high school.


2024 Election Map Based On the Latest Poll

Based on this election map, Trump would have to lose Minnesota, which maybe he will, plus Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, plus one more state like New Jersey for Biden to win.  These states are close enough to give Biden a small chance.

Fwd: The world's and Nation's Debt

From: Larry

Governments owe an unprecedented $91 trillion, an amount almost equal to the size of the global economy and one that will ultimately exact a heavy toll on their populations.

Debt burdens have grown so large — in part because of the cost of the pandemic — that they now pose a growing threat to living standards even in rich economies, including the United States.

Yet, in a year of elections around the world, politicians are largely ignoring the problem, unwilling to level with voters about the tax increases and spending cuts needed to tackle the deluge of borrowing. In some cases, they're even making profligate promises that could at the very least jack up inflation again and could even trigger a new financial crisis.

The International Monetary Fund last week reiterated its warning that "chronic fiscal deficits" in the US must be "urgently addressed." Investors have long shared that disquiet about the long-term trajectory of the US government's finances.

Debt is "not free anymore," he told CNN.

"In the 2010s, a lot of academics, policymakers and central bankers came to the view that interest rates were just going to be near zero forever and then they started thinking debt was a free lunch," he said.

"That was always wrong-headed because you can think of government debt as holding a flexible-rate mortgage and, if the interest rates go up sharply, your interest payments go up a lot. And that's exactly what's happened all over the world."

'Conspiracy of silence'

In the United States, the federal government will spend $892 billion in the current fiscal year on interest payments — more than it has earmarked for defense and approaching the budget for Medicare, health insurance for older people and those with disabilities.

Next year, interest payments will top $1 trillion on national debt of more than $30 trillion, itself a sum roughly equal to the size of the US economy, according to the Congressional Budget Office, Congress's fiscal watchdog.

The CBO sees US debt reaching 122% of GDP a mere 10 years from now. And in 2054, debt is forecast to hit 166% of GDP, slowing economic growth.

So how much debt is too much? Economists don't think there is a "predetermined level at which bad things happen in markets," but most reckon that if debt hits 150% or 180% of gross domestic product, that means "very serious costs for the economy and society more broadly," said Dynan.

The world is sitting on a $91 trillion problem. 'Hard choices' are coming | CNN Business

18 minutes ago

Tax revenue is a record at about 4.5 trillion the federal budget in 2019 was 4.6, it is now about 6.3. If we had the same spending as 2019 we'd have a balanced budget. We have a spending g problem


PANIC! Will Democrats REPLACE Biden?

I listened to this on the radio last night.  He makes good points here.

It appears that the Biden camp has doubled down.  Since he can't possibly finish his next term, the responsible thing is for him to suspend his campaign for president.  


Re: Why France is voting against immigration...France fires and vandalism after Sunday vote

I've always have been concerned about population pressure.  Of course culture and war matter, but increasing population leads to migration. 

The evidence suggests that when the drought ended in Africa 50,000 years ago, humans expanded their range by about a mile per year.  Within a couple of thousand years they made it to Europe, Asia, and Australia.