Thor 4: Love and Thunder: Natalie Portman, female Thor

Natalie Portman is going to play female Thor in Thor 4.

Almost every time they do something like this, they lose money. They give us movies that people don't want to see.


Check out the video on the google home page...


Trump and Tweets

I understand what Donald Trump was trying to say, but the way he said it was incredibly poor judgment. It is bad, but the left has called every Republican since 1980 racist. I think that they exploit the issue of race to make something bad look even worse than it is. I don't think that it was racist, nor do I think that Trump is racist, but I do think that it was inappropriate. It shows poor judgment that he made his point the way he did. I do not understand why people in his administration neither prevented this nor insist that he apologize.

This leads me to believe that Trump doesn't mind negative attention as long as he gets attention.



PassMark Intel vs AMD CPU Benchmarks - High End

The top line on this chart tells you everything you need to know as to why AMD is beating Intel.